Monday 9 March 2015

Props and impact on audience
Cigarette -

The cigarette is a very important prop. One because it clearly shows the characters' rebellious nature as they are clearly too young to be smoking but more importantly how the characters react to the cigarette. We used various camera shots including mid-shots and wide-angle shots to show the cigarette in shot but also the characters' body language and facial expression. They both act like the cigarette is marijuana and pretend to act high. The pair are shown from standing up to sitting on the floor with a tired facial expression and body language to show that the 'joint' has really hit them. The prop's affect on the audience is humour, as it is clearly a cigarette but the boys pretend to be high in order to look cool and like the 'gangsters' they aspire to. The link between the prop itself, and how the boys react to it generate this effect of perceived rebellion but in reality they are just acting like idiots.
Porn Magazine -

The lad's mag prop is important in showing how the boys clearly aren't real gangsters or crime artists. We placed this scene early in the film after the boys are shown looking like real gangsters in their suits, the purpose of placing it so early was to cut down the impression of the boys looking professional. We hope the use of this prop and Jackie screaming "you've brought pornography into our house!" shows how the boys are still very immature and under the control of their parents. It also shows the audience the minimal nature of the characters' 'crimes' and perhaps hints that the 'crimes' might get more intense as the film goes on. This is also shown through Jackie saying - "you two boys, you're just out of control" and the boys smiling proudly, inferring that more antics are still to come.

Money -

Money was important in establishing an end to the opening of the film. The use of it falling on the characters in slow motion along with their 'gangster' costume and serious facial expression coms together to make the audience see them as real gangsters even if it's just for a moment. The scene sets up the rest of the film as it is a break in continuity, much due to the slow motion and lack of movement from the characters. This is also shown by the actors' names and the film's title flashing on the screen. The purpose of this scene was largely to slow the pace of the opening to set up the audience for the rest of the film and to clearly show the audience the real narrative of the film is starting. The money adds to this greatly, the fact they are US 100 dollar bills shows how the pair want to emulate their American rap artist inspirations and would hopefully generate a humorous affect for the audience.

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