Tuesday 16 September 2014

Match on action

Match on action is when you use film and video editing techniques where the edition cuts from one scene to another that matches the first actions shot. When the subject begins with action in the first cut then the editor carries it through to the second shot it creates a visual bridge which distracts the viewer from the fact that they cut from one shot to another and any slight continuity errors there may be between the two shots. The below clip is from 'The Punisher' a 2004 film.

To start with the first camera shot in this short clip could be a quick establishing shot and a wide shot. As the second clip comes in the camera angle is from a slightly higher viewpoint and is a close over the shoulder shot and follows the man running, this gives the effect that he is running much faster than he actually is.

For the mise en scene the location is on a long bridge, which is a good location for the actor to be running along. It also appears that he is holding a gun and running bare foot, this could mean that he is in some kind of danger and or in a rush as he has no footwear.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of terminology in your analysis- you focus very closely on specific camera shots. Well done for embedding the video alongside your analysis.

    You could have also included details about sound e.g. diegetic and non-diegetic sound.

    Check your spelling and grammar in places- there is a rather unfortunate error where you were aiming to write the word shot and have ended up writing something else.
