Tuesday 30 September 2014

Genre Choice

We have selected the genre, Crime-Drama. This is mainly because we chose the same genre to do in our preliminary and therefore we'd be able to know from what points we need to improve on. This would hopefully result in a very professional outcome.

The characters which our group included in the preliminary stayed in character throughout, so if we continue with the same genre we will be able to sustain professional characters from start to finish.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

не взорвать все это

Nikolai - Jamie Small
Dimitri - Jared Morgan
Filmed by Jake Luckett

Preliminary Evaluation

Preliminary Evaluation

The video quality of the video could be improved by using a higher quality camera for our final piece, also the sound quality needs to be addressed as you can hear back ground noise and echoing, next time we will use a better microphone. we will also try and upload to a different platform, which we hope will down decrease the video quality.

Lastly the match on action and 180 degree rule could be improved by being more precise and using better equipment, and by using higher precision when mapping out where to make our 180 degree points. Also the match on action positioning needs to be improved aswell.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Law Abiding Citizen - The Question Scene Analysis

To start with there was many different techniques used in this scene, the 180 degree rule is used effectively so that us as the audience knows where each character is in the specific scene, the characters follow this rule and do not try and challenge it at all. We are also shown a High view angle shot in this scene which allows us the cctv cameras which verify to us that it is prison. We can also tell this by the mise en scene which is metal bars, prison uniform and jail cells.

The man who is questioning the inmate uses a very soft quite voice and often stands up to be taller than him, these can both be put together to show him that he is bigger than him more important and also trying to intimidate him.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Match on action

Match on action is when you use film and video editing techniques where the edition cuts from one scene to another that matches the first actions shot. When the subject begins with action in the first cut then the editor carries it through to the second shot it creates a visual bridge which distracts the viewer from the fact that they cut from one shot to another and any slight continuity errors there may be between the two shots. The below clip is from 'The Punisher' a 2004 film.

To start with the first camera shot in this short clip could be a quick establishing shot and a wide shot. As the second clip comes in the camera angle is from a slightly higher viewpoint and is a close over the shoulder shot and follows the man running, this gives the effect that he is running much faster than he actually is.

For the mise en scene the location is on a long bridge, which is a good location for the actor to be running along. It also appears that he is holding a gun and running bare foot, this could mean that he is in some kind of danger and or in a rush as he has no footwear.